Dawson Elk Valley Ranch
Cimarron, New Mexico (Colfax County)
- 50,039 acres of beautifully diverse mountain terrain in northern New Mexico rising nearly 1,800’ in elevation from the plains
- Practically surrounded by Ted Turner’s Vermejo Park Ranch, biologists estimate there are over 10,000 elk that roam the more than 600,000 acres that comprise the Dawson Elk Valley Ranch and its neighbor
- 11 miles of Vermejo River bottomland meadows and riparian cottonwood-willow woodlands containing 17 river/streambank miles
- Thousands of acres of mountainous pinon-juniper, woodland, and ponderosa pine forest, and cottonwood lined riparian corridor along the Vermejo River
- Abundant wildlife including elk, deer, antelope, turkey, bear, and lion
- Within an hour of the communities of Raton, Angel Fire, and Red River; all with basic amenities and the latter two with operating ski areas
- Senior water rights
- Significant mineral resources